Readers will recall that in October of last year the Ontario Land Tribunal (OLT) rejected virtually in its entirety the Rand Estate subdivision application filed by the Marotta Solmar company on the basis that it did not represent good planning. The OLT gave Solmar two months to advise if he was willing to work with the Town and SORE on an acceptable plan.
Solmar subsequently both challenged the OLT decision in the courts and requested a review of its own decision by the OLT Chair. The decision was stayed by the OLT pending the outcome of its consideration of the review request.
We are pleased to report that, as predicted, the OLT has today DENIED in its entirely the review request filed by Mr. Marotta’s Solmar company.
After reviewing the request in his reasons, the Chair concluded as follows:
“For the reasons above, I find that the Request does not raise a compelling and convincing case that one of the grounds enumerated under Rule 25 is present in the Decision. I, therefore, dismiss this Request.”
The Chair then lifted the stay of the October decision and gave Solmar two months to advise whether it intends to pursue the studies and revisions to its proposal directed by the Tribunal.
This is another complete victory for the Town, SORE and its residents. It was always clear to us that the OLT review request had no merit and was simply a delay tactic by Mr. Marotta. It is equally clear to us that the court challenge of the OLT decision is similiarly without merit. It will surprise us if Mr. Marotta in fact sees the court challenge through.
We again urge Mr. Marotta to accept the OLT decision, to stop fighting the Town and SORE at every turn, and to work with us to implement the October OLT decision. Sadly, we are not optimistic.
A copy of today’s OLT decision is on our website.