25 of 27 candidates for the 2018 NOTL election have provided responses to SORE’s 7 questions. Their responses in full are set out below. We applaud the obvious effort of many candidates to carefully consider the questions and their thoughtful responses.
We note that the candidates are virtually unanimous in their opinion on the merits of the current Marotta hotel/conference centre/wedding facility proposal for Randwood. Most candidates, with the notable exception of Lord Mayor Darte, support the principles articulated in OPA 51 (the Official Plan Amendment that permitted the Romance Inn in 2011) as relevant to the Town’s consideration of the Marotta proposal.
Regrettably, responses were not received from two candidates – Martin Mazza and Jordan Williams – despite several follow-ups from SORE.
We encourage all voters to carefully consider the responses below when considering who to support in October.
Click on a name to see their PDF files. When viewing, use the toolbar at the top or bottom to increase the size or to downloaded a copy of the PDF.
Lord Mayor
3 candidates (in alphabetical order): 1 to be elected
Pat Darte
Betty Disero
Daniel Turner
24 candidates (alphabetical order): 8 to be elected