SORE has received additional information from the Town planner handling the Tuesday Open House starting at 5 p.m. We pass it along verbatim for your information:
After my introduction, I will hand it off to the applicant to provide a presentation on their proposal. I will not be providing a presentation.
Questions will be taken at the end of the applicants presentation. I will ask that those who have questions please use the “raise your hand” function. I will start at the top of the list and work down. Each attendee will be given 10 minutes to speak. The applicant will have a chance to respond. I will act as a moderator and I can provide input on behalf of Town Staff, as needed. However, I cannot guarantee that the answers provided by the applicant will be satisfactory. The Open House will conclude once all attendees have spoken and the applicant has had a chance to respond.
The presentation will not be shared before the meeting, but the application materials are available online for review, as detailed in the Notice. The Open House will be recorded and available for review on the Town’s Live Stream webpage after the meeting. The applicant may also be open to sharing their presentation afterwards if asked. I will be taking notes on the comments/questions and responses. If there are outstanding questions, I would encourage the question(s) to be submitted to me after the Open House. I will forward the question(s) to the applicant for a response. Again, I cannot guarantee the applicant will provide a satisfactory response in a timely manner.”
A reminder that if you wish to attend the online Open House you must register before noon Tuesday, June 15. To register contact Marc Iamarino at [email protected] or call him at 905 468 6423 (must be before noon June 15). Registration does not require you to ask any questions.