Save Our Rand Estate (SORE) is requesting that community members share their personal historical photographs and other archival information of and for the Rand Estate, also known as Randwood, located at the corner of John and Charlotte streets in Niagara-on-the-Lake. We are particularly interested in photos of Randwood taken either on the estate or from the surrounding streets and trails, and in particular, photographs taken before the 1980s. We have included a submission form below to assist you.
Here’s an example of the sort of image we are interested in.

Please fill in the info below and attach your photo.
Submit historical photo to Save Our Rand Estate (SORE)
Photos submitted via this portal may be used by SORE to showcase the heritage attributes of the estate and events that occurred on the property over the years. Your name will not be shown with any photos used by SORE. Note: * indicates required information.