SORE counsel Pat Little delivered a letter to Town staff and Council on Friday requesting that the Town reject the Marotta hotel and convention centre application as incomplete. View below a copy of the letter.
Marotta’s application filed with the Town in December of last year listed only two properties – 144 and 176 John St E. Only those two properties were studied for the applications. SORE identified earlier this year that in fact the hotel and convention centre relies on an emergency vehicle access located entirely on 200 John St E. This is shown on both the original and revised site plans filed with the Town and is acknowledged in the traffic impact study filed with the applications. Despite this, the natural environmental and heritage impacts of the emergency vehicle access road were not assessed in the reports filed with the Town.
Little’s letter advises the Town that both the applications and the public notices of same are therefore materially defective and that the applications should be returned to the Marotta group and the application process started over, with the right properties named and the appropriate studies in place to support the applications.
We await the Town’s response.