SORE is very pleased to report that after an inexplicable 30-day delay, Council unanimously approved the recommendations passed by the Municipal Heritage Committee (MHC) at its February 13 meeting. Minor amendments were made to the recommendations as well as four new items, at the request of Councillor Disero, who continues to demonstrate her leadership on this critical file.
SORE’s Lawyers Seek Information from Marotta Group
The exchange of 3 letters between SORE’s lawyer and the attorney for the Marotta Group regarding information being sought.
Protected boxwood cut down on Rand Estate
Stumps are all that remain of historically significant boxwood on the Rand Estate that are protected by a Town by-law. Long-time NOTL resident and Rand estate neighbour Brenda Parks was prompted to provide a photo and a report on the boxwood following discussion of the boxwood in the March 30 meeting with Solmar.
Follow up from Marotta Rand proposal livestream meeting
A summary of the live-streamed March 30 SORE meeting with Benny Marotta has been provided to the Town. A letter from SORE’s counsel to the Marotta/Solmar counsel requests the promised information/reports. SORE urges Council and staff to have the appropriate resources and processes in place to review the Marotta proposal.
SORE meets with Benny Marotta in March 2018
SORE requested the opportunity to meet with developer Benny Marotta when he first presented his development proposal. He agreed to the meeting which was recorded. This is the video of the livestream of SORE’s meeting at 10:30 am, Friday, March 30, 2018, with Benny Marotta about the proposed Rand Estate development.
Marotta agrees to meeting with SORE
In an exchange of letters Tuesday afternoon, a meeting has been arranged for March 30th between Benny Marotta and SORE. Details on the live stream will follow.
Marotta/Solmar presents new conditions, causing further delay
On Monday, March 26, 2018, Solmar’s legal counsel wrote to SORE’s lawyer saying that Solmar now wants to involve Town staff in arranging a meeting between SORE and Solmar.
SORE insists on live-stream for Solmar meeting
Solmar’s lawyers responded to SORE’s meeting request on March 23 by denying our request to live-stream the meeting. We’ve pushed back and said this process will benefit from complete transparency. Read the Solmar letter and SORE’s response here.
SORE pushes Solmar for meeting next week
At the March 19th Council meeting Solmar’s Maurizio Rogato requested a meeting with SORE. We’re ready and we’d prefer to meet as soon as possible. Our only condition: that the meeting be live-streamed to maintain SORE’s objective of transparency. Read the letter from SORE to Solmar.
Town Council drops the ball
On March 19, your elected NOTL Town Council dropped the ball on the process for the Marotta/Solmar hotel and subdivision proposal on the nationally significant Rand Estate property.