The Ontario Land Tribunal on Jan. 28 2025 DENIED in its entirely the review request filed by the Marotta’s Solmar company of the OLT decision that rejected the Rand Estate subdivision application filed on the basis that it did not represent good planning.
Marotta appeals Ontario Land Tribunal Rand decision
Benny Marotta this week has filed appeals of the recent Ontario Land Tribunal Rand subdivision decision to both the courts and the OLT. SORE’s report on the OLT decision in question can be found on The OLT decision was the result of a multi-week hearing during which the Tribunal heard from over 20 witnesses […]
Town and SORE win OLT Rand case on Marotta subdivision
The Ontario Land Tribunal decision on the proposed Marotta Rand Estate subdivision is a complete win for SORE and for the Town. Our supporters will recall that the Marotta company took the matter out of the hands of Council and appealed directly to the OLT.
Parties file written submissions in Marotta Rand subdivision OLT hearing
The parties to the Ontario Land Tribunal (OLT) case brought by Benny Marotta’s company Solmar filed written submissions to the Tribunal at the conclusion of the evidentiary phase of the hearing. The full text of the four written submissions are on the site.
OLT Rand subdivision hearing resumes
A reminder that after a break of several weeks, the Ontario Land Tribunal (OLT) panel hearing the appeal by Benny Marotta’s company of his request to build a 200+ unit subdivision on the back half of the Rand Estate will resume hearing evidence tomorrow at 10 a.m.
Update on Marotta Rand OLT hearing
The Ontario Land Tribunal (OLT) panel hearing the appeal by Benny Marotta on his proposed Rand Estate subdivision has adjourned as planned until late July.
OLT to broadcast Marotta Rands subdivision hearing on its YouTube channel
The Ontario Land Tribunal (OLT) has agreed to broadcast the hearing starting next Tuesday, April 9, at 10 am on its YouTube channel.
Update on Marotta Rand OLT subdivision hearing
We thought it timely to provide an update on the upcoming OLT hearing on the proposed Marotta subdivision. In our last update, we noted that Council had reversed part of its December 15 resolution and decided to not make available a portion of the Heritage Trail for an access to Mr. Marotta’s proposed Rand Estate […]
Character area study for Rand Estate and vicinity – Upcoming public meetings
Urban Strategies delivered a draft report to the Town in early December. That report fulfilled the requirement in the new but not yet in force Town Official Plan to do a character area study of the area including the Rand Estate before any land use planning decisions are made on the subject lands.
New plan filed for Marotta Rand subdivision proposal and CMC tomorrow
Solmar, one of the Benny Marotta companies, has filed an “updated” application for the highly controversial subdivision proposal for the back half of the Rand Estate.
Town provides statement on Marotta Rand subdivision application
On Wednesday, Jan. 17, the Town released a statement concerning the Marotta Rand Estate subdivision application and the now-withdrawn concept of using a portion of the Town-owned Heritage Trail for access. That statement can be found on the Town of NOTL website.
Marotta company makes formal request for Heritage Trail subdivision easement
In a letter dated January 8, 2024, the lawyers for the Marotta company seeking approval for a subdivison on the Rand Estate have formally requested that the Town grant their client a “permanent easement” over the Town-owned Heritage Trail to enable access to the proposed subdivision. A copy of that letter can be found […]
Council takes position on Marotta Rand subdivision
After a lengthy in-camera meeting yesterday, Council emerged to pass a very important resolution concerning the proposed Marotta Rand Estate subdivision on 200 John and 588 Charlotte (the back half of Randwood). The purpose of the resolution was to set out the Town’s position and instructions to its lawyer ahead of the Ontario Land Tribunal […]
New Town character area study supports SORE vision for Randwood
SORE is pleased to report that Council recently received an important draft report of Urban Strategies Inc and GBCA Architects concerning the Rand Estate and the John Street East Character Area. The report, a “Character Area Study” is required by the Town’s new Official Plan. It was commissioned in 2022 and recently completed and delivered […]
Reminder of OLT case management conference Friday at 10 am
SORE reminds its supporters and stakeholders that the Ontario Land Tribunal will be holding a case management conference tomorrow (Friday, Nov. 10) morning at 10 am on the proposed Marotta Rand Estate subdivision. The access details are below. Access code: 996-288-525 We expect this CMC to be largely procedural however there may be matters […]
Canadian Society of Landscape Architects deems Rand Estate provincially significant
In a letter dated September 14 to Paul Calandra, the Minister of Municipal Affairs and Housing, the Canadian Society of Landscape Architects (CSLA) calls the Rand Estate a “unique” and a “provincially significant heritage asset”. The CLSA, which is the voice of landscape architects in Canada, noted the significant involvement of the seminal husband […]
Update on Ontario Land Tribunal hearing for proposed Marotta Rand subdivision
The Ontario Land Tribunal (OLT) held a scheduled Case Management Conference (CMC) on June 9 to advance the hearing process for the proposed Marotta Rand subdivision. Thank you to those of you who dialed in to listen/watch. A proposed procedural order establishing the key aspects of the pre-hearing and hearing process was discussed with the […]
Reminder of OLT case management conference on Marotta Rand subdivision this Friday
SORE reminds its supporters and interested parties of the OLT case management conference FRIDAY, JUNE 9 AT 10 AM. AT: code: 765-631-861 The primary purpose of this video call is to discuss the issues lists for the Ontario Land Tribunal hearing for the proposed Marotta Rand subdivision scheduled to begin next March. […]
Important public information virtual session 6 pm Thursday
The Town is hosting an important Public Information Centre (PIC) virtual session tomorrow evening concerning a special Character Area study of the area including the Rand Estate. This study is required under the Town’s new Official Plan.
Marotta denied all Rand demolition permits
An overflow standing room only crowd of well over 300 people packed the Community Centre last night for a special session of Council. The purpose of the meeting was to decide upon numerous permit applications by the Marotta group under the Heritage Act to demolish/remove buildings and designed landscape from 200 John St and 588 Charlotte.
Special Council meeting 5 pm tonight
SORE reminds interested parties that there is a special Council meeting at 5 p.m. tonight at the Community Centre.
Reminders on two important upcoming meetings
SORE reminds its supporters and all those concerned with the fate of the Rand Estate of the upcoming Special Council Meeting on Monday, April 24, at 5 p.m. at the Community Centre.
Update on Marotta subdivision proposal – Heritage Act permits
On April 12, the Town’s Municipal Heritage Committee met to discuss several permit applications by the Marotta group under the Heritage Act to demolish/alter designated heritage attributes at the Rand Estate. Without the permits, the subdivision as proposed cannot proceed.
Update on Marotta Heritage Act permit applications
The Town has released the staff report of heritage planner Denise Horne on the applications by the Marotta group to demolish/alter/relocate substantially all of the remaining cultural heritage assets on 200 John and 588 Charlotte Streets. A link to the report, which runs to over 800 pages with numerous appendices, is provided on the […]