SORE reminds its supporters and all interested parties of the special Municipal Heritage Committee meeting tomorrow, Wednesday, April 12 at 5 p.m.
SORE comments on recent Marotta cash envelope situation
SORE notes, with deep concern, the recent Town statement and media coverage on the unsolicited $10,000 cash envelope given by Benny Marotta to Councillor Gary Burroughs. We leave it for the police to properly and thoroughly investigate this matter specifically, whether Mr. Marotta was engaged in an attempt to bribe a public official contrary to […]
SORE comments on Town’s Marotta Rand prosecution decision
SORE is deeply disappointed with the Town’s statement Feb. 14 that it is withdrawing its appeal of a Justice of the Peace decision to stay the Rand Estate Heritage Act charges against the Marotta companies due to delay in bringing them to trial.
SORE Files Reply Witness Statements in CRB Hearing
SORE has filed Reply Witness Statements to the evidence of the Solmar/Two Sisters in the Conservation Review Board hearing initiated by the Marotta companies. The Witness Statements can be found on our website.
SORE files peer review reports with Town
SORE has filed three peer review reports with the Town concerning the proposed Marotta subdivision covering Stormwater and Drainage, Grading and Servicing, Natural Environment.
Reminder re public meeting July 14
Residents and interested parties are reminded of the upcoming Public Meeting concerning the Marotta Rand subdivision proposal on Wednesday, July 14 at 5 pm. The Public Meeting will be live-streamed.
Parties file expert reports in Marotta CRB challenge
The Marotta companies, the Town and SORE have all now filed their expert reports for the upcoming Conservation Review Board hearing beginning on July 19. As a reminder, the Marotta companies are asking the CRB to advise on the merits of the Town’s August 2018 Notices of Intent to Designate 200 John and 588 Charlotte (the back half of the Rand Estate) under the Heritage Act.
Marotta subdivision would be two or three times as dense as most adjacent neighbourhoods
The SORE core team has undertaken a comparison of the density of the proposed Marotta Rand Estate subdivision with the closest neighbourhoods to the Estate. Provided are both “Gross” and “Net” density graphs illustrating the comparison.
Reminder on upcoming open house re Randwood subdivision application
SORE reminds all residents about the upcoming public open house concerning the Marotta group subdivision application. The open house will unfortunately be electronic only and will start at 5 pm on Tuesday June 15. You must register in advance to watch and if desired participate.
Share your historical photos of Rand Estate
Save Our Rand Estate (SORE) is inviting community members to share their personal historical photographs and other archival information of and for the Rand Estate, also known as Randwood, located at the corner of John and Charlotte streets in Niagara-on-the-Lake. We are particularly interested in photos of Randwood taken either on the estate or from the surrounding streets and trails, and in particular, photographs taken before the 1980s.
Additional information on Marotta Subdivision application and Town process
We have prepared and present an aerial depiction of the subdivision proposed by the Marotta Group for the Rand Estate. This is truly one of those cases where a picture tells a thousand words. The Marotta application proposes to festoon virtually every square foot of 200 John and 588 Charlotte Streets with houses.
Rand Subdivision Application Form Draft Plan of Subdivision
Rand Subdivision Application Form Draft Plan of Subdivision
Rand Subdivision Application Form OPA and ZBA
Rand Subdivision Application Form OPA and ZBA
Rand Subdivision Arborist Report and Tree Preservation Plan 2
Rand Subdivision Arborist Report and Tree Preservation Plan 2
Rand Subdivision Conceptual Building Elevations
Rand Subdivision Conceptual Building Elevations
Rand Subdivision Draft Plan of Subdivision
Rand Subdivision Draft Plan of Subdivision
Rand Subdivision Draft Plan of Subdivision Concept
Rand Subdivision Draft Plan of Subdivision Concept
Rand Subdivision Emergency Vehicle Turning Movement Plan
Rand Subdivision Emergency Vehicle Turning Movement Plan
Rand Subdivision Environmental Impact Study
Rand Subdivision Environmental Impact Study
Rand Subdivision Erosion and Sediment Control Plan
Rand Subdivision Erosion and Sediment Control Plan
Rand Subdivision Functional Servicing Report
Rand Subdivision Functional Servicing Report
Rand Subdivision Geotechnical Investigation
Rand Subdivision Geotechnical Investigation
Rand Subdivision Grading Plan
Rand Subdivision Grading Plan
Rand Subdivision Heritage Impact Assessment
Rand Subdivision Heritage Impact Assessment