SORE notes, with deep concern, the recent Town statement and media coverage on the unsolicited $10,000 cash envelope given by Benny Marotta to Councillor Gary Burroughs. We leave it for the police to properly and thoroughly investigate this matter specifically, whether Mr. Marotta was engaged in an attempt to bribe a public official contrary to […]
Update on Marotta Heritage Act permit applications
The Town has released the staff report of heritage planner Denise Horne on the applications by the Marotta group to demolish/alter/relocate substantially all of the remaining cultural heritage assets on 200 John and 588 Charlotte Streets. A link to the report, which runs to over 800 pages with numerous appendices, is provided on the […]
Recent letter to The Lake Report
SORE thought it would be of interest to post and circulate a recent letter published in the March 23, 2023, edition of The Lake Report on the proposed Marotta Rand subdivision. The letter is reproduced below. We do not know the author of this letter, but share the views expressed therein.
Important update on Marotta Subdivision proposal
Council has decided upon a process for making a decision about the Heritage Act permit applications. The Town’s advisory Municipal Heritage Committee (MHC) will be holding a virtual hearing starting at 5 pm on Wednesday, April 12. Council will be holding a public meeting, which can also be viewed virtually, starting at 5 pm on Monday, April 24.
SORE comments on Town’s Marotta Rand prosecution decision
SORE is deeply disappointed with the Town’s statement Feb. 14 that it is withdrawing its appeal of a Justice of the Peace decision to stay the Rand Estate Heritage Act charges against the Marotta companies due to delay in bringing them to trial.
Ontario Land Tribunal Case Management Conference (CMC) Postponed
The Case Management Conference scheduled for Wednesday, Feb. 15, has been postponed on consent to June 9, 2023. An issues list for the hearing was not possible due to delays in the submission and processing of applications for permits under the Heritage Act for the proposed Marotta Rand subdivision.
Solmar Rand Heritage Act prosecution
Following is the text of a letter sent to NOTL Town Council on Feb. 9, 2023, about the Solmar Rand Heritage Act prosecution.of the Marotta companies for the Rand Estate clear-cut that occurred in November of 2018.
SORE Letter to Council and OLT Update
Following is the text of a letter sent to NOTL Town Council on Jan. 29: Good Afternoon Council. We note an in-camera meeting concerning the Rand Estate is on the Council agenda for January 31st. We write concerning two matters. While we have regretfully yet to see a written copy of the JP’s decision, we […]
How the Lord Mayor candidates answered SORE
Responses to SORE questions from three candidates for Lord Mayor are presented side-by-side for easy comparison.
NOTL candidates provide responses to SORE survey
SORE is pleased to post the responses from candidates for Lord Mayor, Town Council and Regional Council to the questions we recently put to them.
Marotta Group granted stay on Heritage Act prosecution
SORE understands that a Justice of the Peace granted a stay of the Heritage Act charges laid by the Town for the outrageous clear-cutting of the back half of the Rand Estate just after the last municipal election in 2018.
SORE’s questions for 2022 municipal candidates
As we did in the last municipal election, SORE is asking all candidates in the 2022 municipal election in NOTL to provide brief answers to several questions concerning development in NOTL generally and the Rand Estate in particular.
SORE provides update on OLT hearing and Marotta Group prosecution
SORE was given party status following the Ontario Land Tribunal hearing.
Reminder re Friday’s OLT Case Management conference
SORE reminds its supporters and interested parties of the Ontario Land Tribunal (OLT) Case Management Conference(CMC) TOMORROW (FRIDAY) MORNING AT 10 AM.
Trial dates set for Marotta companies prosecution
The Town’s prosecution of the Marotta companies for the outrageous clear cutting of the Rand Estate shortly after the last municipal election will finally be heard by the courts.
Rand Subdivision proposals – reminders
SORE reminds our supporters and all interested parties of the upcoming Case Management Conference by the Ontario Land Tribunal (OLT) on Friday, Sept 9, at 10 a.m.. The CMC is the first step in scheduling a hearing by the OLT. Information on how to access the video conference is provided below: At: Access code: 909–787-981 […]
Tribunal schedules case management conference for Marotta Rand subdivision proposal
The Ontario Land Tribunal (OLT) has scheduled a Case Management Conference (CMC) for the Marotta Rand Subdivision proposal for Friday, September 9, at 10 am.
Transportation master plan is going to Council in August
As a public service, SORE notes that a proposed Transportation Master Plan is going to Council in August for possible approval. A copy of the draft Plan can be found on the NOTL Join the Conversation site. Comments are due by August 1. There are some important and, for SORE concerning, recommendations in the draft […]
Recap on public input session
Last night, the Town hosted a public information session on the current Marotta group Rand subdivision proposal. Several SORE experts – heritage, planning, traffic, servicing and natural environment – outlined serious issues concerning the proposal. A number of community members also asked questions and raised various concerns. SORE thanks the Town for hosting this […]
Public input session this Thursday on proposed Marotta Rand Subdivision
SORE reminds residents and interested parties of the Public Information Session being hosted by the Town this Thursday June 9, starting at 6 pm. The purpose of this event is to solicit input on the Marotta subdivision proposal. A link to that proposal and accompanying reports can be found at If you wish to say […]
June 9 public input session on Marotta Rand subdivision confirmed
The Town has now confirmed that it will be holding a public input session on the Marotta Rand subdivision proposal on Thursday, June 9, starting at 6 p.m. The link to the notice and further information is Disappointingly, this will be a virtual “meeting” and not the in-person meeting that SORE had sought. SORE […]
Public meeting expected re Marotta subdivision proposal
SORE has learned that the Town is planning to hold a public meeting to receive public input on the Marotta Rand subdivision proposal. The tentative date is Thursday, June 9.
Marotta takes subdivision proposal to OLT
The Marotta group has elected to open up yet another litigation front with the Town over the Rand Estate.
Rand subdivision concept announced by SORE
Since the unveiling of Benny Marotta’s utterly atrocious subdivision plan for the back half of the Rand Estate, SORE has had its team of experts hard at work to determine what form of residential development might be feasible on this iconic estate. SORE’s team of experts has been able to come up with a preliminary subdivision concept that we believe to be feasible for the Rand Estate.